Burlington Muni Airport (Burlington, WI) BUU 코멘트
A81-APT | MIRL runway 11/29 preset to low SS-SR; to incr intensity and activate REIL runway 11 and 29; MIRL runway 11/29 - CTAF. PAPI runway 11 and 29 operational consly. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L 24 hr self service fuel available with credit card. |
A42-19 | Marked with yellow/black wooden panels. |
A42-01 | Marked with yellow/black wooden panels. |
A15 | Email address: PAYDT@BURLINGTON-WI.gov. |
A110-6 | For clearance contact chicago artcc at 630-906-8921. |
A110-5 | Gco available on frequency 121.725 thru flight svcs. |
A110-4 | Traffic departing runway 11 avoid overflight of city. |
A110-3 | Waterfowl on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-2 | Departing traffic climb to 1000 ft AGL before turning south. |
A110-1 | Asphalt taxiway 30 ft wide, except 'W' 700 ft 35 ft wide. |