William H Morse State Airport (Bennington, VT) DDH 코멘트
A81-APT | Activate REIL runway 13 and 31; PAPI runway 13 and 31; MIRL runway 13/31 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L 100LL SELF-SVC available 24 hours. |
A58-31 | +20 ft ground, 250 ft R of centerline. |
A17 | For airport atndnc please call 1-802-442-5503 or 1-802-595-5830 for ON-CALL svcs only. |
A110-9 | Cold temperature airport. Altitude correction required at or below -12C. |
A110-8 | Traffic pattern operations prohibited S of runway 13 and runway 31. |
A110-7 | Mts all quads. |
A110-6 | Runway 13 threshold hazus bird actvty. |
A110-5 | Gco available on frequency 121.725 thru btv clearance and flight svcs. Out of service indefinitely. |
A110-4 | Geese on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-2 | Noise abatement procs in efct. avoid over flying homes southeast of airport. noise sensitive area approach end runway 31. preferred use runway is runway 13. If practical aircraft departure runway 13 use best climb rate and when above 400 ft AGL turn left within 1 mile of der 13. |
A110-10 | For clearance contact albany approach at 518-862-2299. |
A110-1 | Runway conds may not be mnt or rprtd when airport is unatndd. |