Ankeny Rgnl Airport (Ankeny, IA) IKV 코멘트
A82 | Frequency 122.900 is also used as unicom. |
A81-APT | Activate PAPI runway 4/22; MIRL runways 04/22 and 18/36; REIL runways 4 and 18/36 - CTAF |
A58-36 | 47 ft tree 177 ft from taxiway end 283 ft R of centerline, 7:1 approach slope. |
A110-5 | For clearance contact des moines air traffic control tower on 126.65 or please call 515-974- 8016. |
A110-3 | Airport manager req use of preferential runway 18 when winds are less than 5 knots. |
A110-2 | Except 1 aviation - (515) 965-1020. |