A70-FUEL-J8 | Available at ANG 603-430-2459. |
A57-16 | 50:1 to dthr. |
A42-16 | 16/34 dbl faced dist mkrs both sides of runway at 1000 ft intvls. |
A40-16/34 | Edge lights are 24 in tall; 85 ft from centerline. |
A39-16/34 | Pcr value: 430/F/A/X/T |
A33-16/34 | Runway 16-FST 600 ft CONC-GROOVED. |
A26 | Index E airport rescue and fire fighting capability available 24/7. |
A110-9 | Avoid close in base legs/short approaches. |
A110-8 | On other than A publd IAP--ARRG aircraft should estab themselves on final approach at least 2 nm from the runway threshold at A minimum of 700 ft MSL. |
A110-7 | Traffic pattern: rectangular 1600 ft MSL ovd 2100 ft MSL - light aircraft 1100 ft MSL. |
A110-6 | Noise sensitive areas off both ends of runway. |
A110-5 | Birds on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-4 | No pla or tgl 2300-0700 for LCL-BASED aircraft, 2100-0700 for tsnt aircraft or bfr 1200 sunday for all aircraft. |
A110-32 | Airfield mgmt hours 1200-0400++ MON-THU, 1200-2100++ fri, closed SAT-SUN, and holiday except unit training. all transient aircraft rqr prior permission required nlt 72 hr. contact airfield mgmt DSN 852-2458 or 2407. prior permission required required outside publd hours, contact command post DSN 852-2459, C603-430-2459. contact pack control 323.8, 30 minimum prior to landing. airfield mgmt does not store comsec, contact command post for tempo storage. Deicing available, ANTI-ICE available at FBO. |
A110-31 | Military oil: rqr 48 hr processing time. |
A110-3 | Turb approach end runway 34 in strong X winds. |
A110-23 | Caution: hgt group 1 wch 54 ft. |
A110-21 | Pease operates under bash phase 1 year round. |
A110-2 | All inbound aircraft with hazus cargo info please call air traffic control tower 60 nm out. |
A110-19 | Runway 34 is preferred when tailwind cmpt is less than five kts. Runway 16 is preferred for takeoff, between 2200-0659, when tailwind cmpt is five kts or less. |
A110-17 | Cust 24X7X365 cust clearing available. standard ofc hours mon thru fri 0900-1630. Cust must be arngd in advn at 603-422-0910. INT'L arrivals must arng for ground handling prior to arrival. FBO 603-430-1111/128.825 arinc. |
A110-15 | No 180 deg turns for aircraft over 12500 lbs gross weight on asphalt portion of runway 16/34. |
A110-12 | Littlebrook airpark located 052 deg 4.4 nm; traffic pattern 1130 ft MSL. Fly downwind leg no closer than 1/2 mi from runway. |
A110-11 | 200 ft blast pad each runway end. |
A110-10 | On departure mntn runway heading to 1100 ft MSL or end of runway (whichever occurs last) prior to turning. |