Mcnary Fld Airport (Salem, OR) SLE 코멘트
A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed activate MALSR runway 31; odals runway 13; reils runway 13, 16/34; HIRL runway 13/31; MIRL runway 16/34 - CTAF. Reils runway 16 out of service indefinitely: PAPI runway 16 and 34 out of service indefinitely; beacon out of service indefinitely. |
A75 | Ovngt tiedown fee and commercial air charter landing fee; hgr available by prior req please call (503) 364-4158 or (503) 585-3838. |
A26 | Prior permission required for unsked air carrier operations with more than 30 passenger seats please call airport manager on 503-588-6314. |
A14 | |
A110-9 | Rsg trrn and trees W and S of airport, inclg extd centerline of runway 34. trees on extd centerline of runway 16. Night operations not rcmd both runways. |
A110-8 | Noise abatement procs in efct. Avd ovr flight of srng resl areas when poss. |
A110-7 | Prior permission required required for prkg aircraft on air carrier ramp. Please call airport manager 503-588-6314. |
A110-5 | Self fueling, 100LL only, available 24 hours A day. Jet A available after nml business hours with advnd notice at 503-508-4178 or 503-364-4158. |
A110-4 | Taxiway 'A' from taxiway 'L' to 'L9' not visible from air traffic control tower. |
A110-3 | Bird hazard: hvy concentration waterfowl adjacent to apt and approaches to all runways. Flocks of geese concentrated transiting class D airspace at traffic pattern altitude OCT-MAY. |
A110-15 | Airport closed after heavy snwfl. |
A110-14 | Airfield conds not mntd between 1600-0800Z and all times sat and sunday. |
A110-13 | Aircraft prkg on S G/A ramp limited to aircraft under 12,500 lbs. |
A110-12 | For clearance if una to contact on flight service station frequency, contact seattle artcc at 253-351-3694. |
A110-11 | ARNG-F/W passenger DROP-OFF and pickup point for light aircraft at VIP pad on S end of military ramp. prior permission required for all tsnt aircraft (DSN 355-1401, C971-355-1401) . dur nml duty hr, contact guard operations, 40.90, 142.8, 248.5 10 minimum out. Ksle osa operations DSN 355-1409, C971-355-1409. |
A110-10 | ARNG-OPR 1500-0030Z++ monday - friday except holiday. no tsnt alert service. no parking. rotary wing noise abatement proc in efct. Tsnt rotary wing must use santiam arrival/departure. |