Sacramento Intl Airport (Sacramento, CA) SMF 코멘트
A49-17R | ALSF2 oprs as SSALR till weather goes blw VFR. |
A39-17R/35L | Pcr value: 840/R/A/W/T |
A39-17L/35R | Pcr value: 900/R/B/W/T |
A14 | Airside operations manager 916-874-0713; 24HR operations 916-806-5309. |
A110-9 | Crop dusters oper in vicinity of airport at or below 200 ft AGL. |
A110-4 | All aircraft contact air traffic control ground control prior to movement on ramp. |
A110-3 | Noise sensitive areas W of airport on sac river. tower turn discouraged for jet aircraft. when conducting ifr approach in VFR conditions execute missed approach at departure end of runways. plan VFR patterns to E. Use minimum power settings. |
A110-28 | Ground vehicle surveillance sys in use. Operational transponders with altitude rprtg mode and ADS-B (if equipped) enabled on all airport sfcs. |
A110-27 | Aircraft must push back tail to the north from terminal gates A1, A3 and A5. |
A110-26 | Unpaved surface north of taxiway P and east of taxiway A and south of cargo 1 ramp closed to helicopter. |
A110-24 | West ramp spots 56-60 and F1 restricted to tow in and tow out only from txl B2. When pushing back for departure from west ramp spots 56-60 and F1 each aircraft is to push back on to txl B2 and pull fwd to the "ENGINE start LINE" prior to starting engs. |
A110-23 | Taxiway B1 closed to cargo aircraft. |
A110-22 | Taxiway Y4 restricted to aircraft with A wingspan of less than 118 ft (group III) . |
A110-21 | Portion of taxiway W 500 ft east of taxiway A to 2100 ft east of taxiway A is not visible from air traffic control tower. |
A110-19 | Military aircraft parking limited. Contact airport operations if parking is required (916) 806-5309. |
A110-18 | Taxiway remark #2 CONT'D: an aircraft cannot exceed the airplane design group III criteria and must have A wheel base of less than 60 ft. |
A110-17 | Taxiway remark #2: the maximum allowable gross aircraft load for taxiways G1, G2, and the general aviation parking apron is: 70,000 lbs for single gear aircraft; 170,000 lbs for dual gear aircraft; and 250,000 lbs for dual tandem gear aircraft. |
A110-1 | Birds on and in vicinity of airport. |