Rosamond Skypark Airport (Rosamond, CA) L00 코멘트
E147 | Glider traffic pattern altitude 500'. |
E100 | Automated unicom; 4 clicks adzy. |
A81-BCN | Rotating beacon out of service indefinitely. |
A81-APT | After 11PM tower activate lirl runway 08/26 5 clicks - CTAF. |
A80 | Rotating beacon out of service indefinitely. |
A57-26 | Approach ratio 20:1 to displaced threshold. |
A57-08 | Approach ratio 50:1 to displaced threshold. |
A40-08/26 | Runway 08/26 non-standard lirl 25 ft from edge of runway. |
A14 | Secretary, board of directors: john wilson, rosamond skypark assn phone 661-256-4600; email [email protected]. |
A110-9 | Airport use restricted by airport manager to aircraft having A max certificated gross takeoff weight of 12500 lbs or less; contact airport manager for addnl info 661-475-2600. |
A110-8 | Terrain approx 3,200 feet MSL 2 miles NORTH-EAST and 3 miles northwest of airport. |
A110-7 | Calm wind use runway 26. |
A110-5 | Powered aircraft only may use south traffic pattern. |
A110-4 | No touch and go landings between 2200 and 0700 local. |
A110-3 | Gliders; ultralights and helicopters traffic pattern north of runway. |
A110-2 | Avoid overflight of schools 1 mile E and 2 miles W. |
A110-10 | For clearance contact joshua approach at 661-277-3843. |
A110-1 | Maintain runway heading until reaching airport boundary. |