William M Tuck Airport (South Boston, VA) W78 코멘트
A81-APT | Activate MIRL runway 01/19 and REIL runways 01 and 19 - CTAF. PAPI runways 01 and 19 oper cont. |
A58-01 | 5 ft brush 150 ft left and right of runway centerline. |
A42-24 | Runway 24 outlined with yellow cones. |
A42-06 | Runway 06 outlined with yellow cones. |
A110-5 | For clearance contact washington artcc at 703-771-3587. |
A110-4 | Runway 06/24 closed to aircraft with airspeed 50 kt or more. |
A110-3 | SELF-FUELING with A credit card. |
A110-1 | Wildlife on and in vicinity of runways. |