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Refurbished Boeing Hanger Opens To Meet 737 Production

Boeing has opened a new paint hangar near its Renton, Washington, facility that will help increase its Next-Generation 737 production capacity. The 737 program currently produces 31.5 airplanes per month and expects to go to 35 per month in early 2012, 38 per month in second quarter 2013 and then to 42 per month in the first half of 2014 ( 기타...

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glad to hear about the refurbished paint hanger and glad to see southwest being the first to be painted as the 737 does have good leg room
Interesting contrast to the 787 line. It's a good thing the 737 line continues to fund Boeing with all the 787 delays. Maybe in a few years the 787 will turn in some tidy revenue, but at this point it's all a muddy mess.
Coat hanger or Aircraft HANGAR. Please,,,,,,,,
Thanks Steve!


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