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Passengers Bristle at Low-Cost Airlines' Hidden Fees

On his way to an aviation law congress in Sicily to discuss low-cost carriers, Dan Miró left his home in Barcelona in a rush and forgot the Ryanair boarding pass that he had printed out at home. “When I arrived at the airport, the company told me that I had to pay €40 so that Ryanair would print this piece of paper or else I couldn’t fly,” he said in an interview with the International Herald Tribune. “I realized what they were doing was illegal, and, as a lawyer, I felt it my obligation to do… ( 기타...

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Allan Cook 0
Ghastly little money grabbing and (allegedly) swindling airline
wellsey 0
Pendingo, Regards , quite good then and yes I agree they are rip off merchants!
David Iles 0
Wellsey, yes I did watch the song. Very funny and to the point.
I just detest money grabbing organisations, particularly those who purport to offer cheap travel and if it were in my power I would get rid of the lot of them.
wellsey 0
Pendingo, You did watch the song then?. I would have thought it confirmed exactly! just what the article was about!, regards.

David Iles 0
Ryanair is a particularly nasty and not so cheap little airline and I won't travel with them on principal.
wellsey 0
If non have of you seen it yet, Go to U Tube put in "Cheap Flights" it lasts for 4 mins.17 secs, I am sure you will enjoy the song! regards.


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