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Amazing video of a bizarre, twisting, dancing cloud

The video is of a cumulonimbus cloud, a puffy white cauliflower-shaped cloud that forms when warm air rises rapidly. The camera view is between two buildings, and you can see the puffy cloud top just below the center of the frame. Keep your eye on the little wisp of cloud just above the cumulonimbus, right in the middle of the frame. ( 기타...

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Tim Kenyon 0
Looks like glare on the lens.....
Ben Lillie 0
Or fuzz
AreThree 0
It actually is neither, as these additional videos show...

The article does a great job explaining the phenomenon
Light reflection and refraction in my opinion, when there is change in the cloud you also can notice change in the appearance of light in the clouds> neet though
Toby Sharp 0
Great Oden's Raven!!!!


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