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when the pretty red and blue lights come on I am sure that every one in this cattle class configuration will all forget about the 32" pitch on the 17 " wide seats, go 18 hour intercontinental flying experience!

I am sorry but this sucks as bad as any other airliner in the world in the economy class.
A 15 hour flight with a what looks to be a minimal amount of knee room doesn't sound appealing.
Ben Lillie 0
Wow, I looked again and, you're right, their isn't much knee room.
Ben Lillie 0
That's first class compared to other planes.
A wide angle lens was used, so that obviously distorts the image. Besides, it's up to the airline to decide what seat pitch they want.
This is appalling, no legroom, very dense layout, and where are the leather seats?! I think I'd rather be dreaming to be on a 767 or an a330. No offense, but you must admit that this just isn't innovative. If they have to do nine abreast on a plane the size of a 767, at least make it 2-4-2. I have to agree with Robert, this just doesn't look comftorable for the average sized person on long haul flights.


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