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GA Airplanes A 'Luxury' According To Italian Government

Introduces 'Luxury Tax' That Could Spell The End To GA In The Country The IAOPA says in its December newsletter that Italy has introduced a new 'luxury tax' on private aircraft, which will have a serious impact on the aviation industry and is likely to cost the country more than it brings in in revenue. ( 기타...

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zennermd 0
Why don't people understand how important GA is?
JD345 0
Political reality and economic reality are two dramatically different, conflicting things. Pie-for-everybody demagoguery is wonderful for politics but not so great economically when it comes time to pay for it.
Here here! Well said.
Kingair31 0
If it happens here, aviation is done....Obama talks about "Those Private Jets" constantly......
Well if it does happen there goes my dream pilot job flying out the window.
fern bonet 0
Don't tell Obama!
preacher1 0
Reckon they been talking to Obama and just took it a step further?
pfp217 0
apparently they've never seen the inside of the Warrior I rent..that thing looks much closer to an 84 Dodge Omni than anything I would call luxurious!
pfp217 0
that said, it and it's sister the Archer are my two favorite peices of metal with an engine and tires, and if they take them away from me a war will be waged!
Dodge Omni with wings? Aaah yes. I've flown in that!
pfp217 0
I think mine has the original 1977 uphostery...oh it does have a luxury I forgot about. The pilot alert adherance integrared seating system, or PAAISS for short. About they time you get the autopilot set (...oops wait), I mean if you can get her trimmed out just right and you get comfy in your seat, there's a spring that enemizes you and you're awake. Primitive? yes but it does the job.
I'm sure our current "class warrior-in-chief" wishes he'd thought of it himself.


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