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Lawsuit Over Blue Angels Jet Crash In S.C. Could Go To Trial By April

On April 21, 2007, a Blue Angels F-18 Hornet jet, Number 6 crashed during the final minutes of an air show at the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort in Beaufort, South Carolina. When the jet crashed it crashed near George and Shirley Smith’s home, the landing gear assembly separated from the F-18 and crashed through the roof of their one story ( 기타...

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give them 2.45 million, tax the hell out of them and as a condition of recieving this latest settlement make them move out of the country.
linbb 1
What a crook just trying to scam the government with no reason then the taxpayers are on the hook. Just another scam from a low life.
No kidding. They already got a settlement. This is just another example of people trying to weasel others out of money. I hope the judge laughs these lowlifes out of the courtroom.


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