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JetBlue Pilot Injured by Laser Over Long Island

The pilot of a JetBlue flight suffered minor eye injuries Sunday night when a green laser zapped through the plane's windshield. ( 기타...

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It doesn't say if was intentional or not by someone on the ground. But if it was, that person should be shot. They nailed a guy here at KMSP shinning lasers at aircraft several years ago. What a sick thing to do.
I don't care if it is intentional or not, if you point that thing at the sky you are responsible for the consequences of your actions. Lock the guy up and throw away the key.
Greg Brown 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

JetBlue Pilot Suffers Eye Injury from Laser Pointer

I hope someone is all over the guy that did this!
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

JetBlue Pilot Suffers Eye Injury From Green Laser

A JetBlue pilot suffered an eye injury when a green laser was pointed directly into the cockpit as the plane was en route to New York's John F. Kennedy Airport.


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