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That'll be $1.99 for your airline soda

(CNN) -- Coffee, juice or tea? Starting July 1 on Frontier Airlines, that drink will cost you $1.99 for certain fares, the company announced Wednesday. So will a can of soda. But at least you'll get the entire can. (Coffee drinkers will get free refills.) ( 기타...

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BC Hadley 3
Why not make it an even $2.00? The logic behind ".99" doesn't apply here.
I don't get what the logic is normally.
Frontier is turning into Ryanair (different from Southwest), utilizing smaller airports away from larger cities (New Castle and Trenton-Mercer) and now fees for everything. It will be interesting to see where they end up in 5 years.
No, acting more like Spirit
grahbag 3
On the bright side, they will give you the entire can of soda!
I bet they'll even let you keep the can!
joel wiley 4
Buy two, and get your 2 cents worth out of them. What do you want to bet the just don't have change. Or will it be on your card with a convenience fee?
Ricky Scott -1
Another reason I fly 1st.

(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

That'll be $1.99 for your airline soda

Starting July 1 on Frontier Airlines, that drink will cost you $1.99 for certain fares, the company announced Wednesday. The airline also will start charging many customers who book their tickets through third-party sites a $25 to $100 fee for carry-on bags, excluding certain members of its frequent flier program.


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