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The Shortcut to Getting Elite Frequent-Flier Perks

The Wall Street Journal says You can instantly divorce one airline's frequent flyer program and remarry and take your silver, gold or platinum with you. ( 기타...

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Brad - What the hell are you talking about? It does not speak of anything you are talking about in that article. The divorce remark is about leaving one airlines FF program for another. Not your Wife...
now thats LMAO good ...
Moving "status" from one airline to another is just spinning your wheels. I already enjoy the perks they offer by being a member of the "club" and buying a premium ticket to avoid baggage fees.

Getting status at "platinum" is better. That can be done through the sales department if your company flies a lot. Delta will deny it, but they do offer "diamond" members free platinum status they can "gift" on associates. Sometimes these are for sale.
And this is what pisses me off. A newspaper is actually reporting (short of advocating) divorce and splitting up a family for the benefit of FF perks. If this doesn't tell you that we have a problem with commitments and family in this country, I don't know what will.

Personally, I would value my wife and family more than FF benefits; in fact, I *do* value them more. FF points come and go; family is forever.
Andy Tyler 2
your lack of comprehension of the english language is mildly amusing. In this context, divorce refers to leaving one FF program, not ones wife. God you are clueless


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