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Jetman Returns, Flies With B-17 Bomber, Does NOT Get Chopped To Bits

Yves Rossy has been scorching the sky as Jetman for years now; he's traversed everything from the Grand Canyon to (most of) the Mediterranean Sea. But I'm not sure anything he's done to date is as wonderful as his recent stint as a B-17 bomber's literal wingman. ( 기타...

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Musketeer1 1
He needs wheels and a runway and he needed them yesterday!
isardriver 1
Not to be the downer on this...But. I think it is time he steps it up to the next level and either lands or take off on a runway. Or at least bring something new into the mix to move what he has created forward so others may follow. The very first time I watched his first video I thought what he has done is amazing. I still think what he does is impressive and I could only wish to be able to do something like that. But just watching him jump from a helicopter fly around for a few minutes and pull a chute has kinda ran it's course for me.


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