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Unmanned 'tower' of the future takes shape in W.Va.

In Beckley, W.Va. county officials agreed to pay the first $75,000 toward an effort with potential to benefit aviators nationwide: developing a radar-based system that can automate traffic advisories, replacing at least one critical function of towers, particularly the smaller contract towers recently placed in cost-cutting crosshairs. ( 기타...

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preacher1 2
Something is probably needed at Beckley and some other smaller fields. Whether it is this or not remains to be seen. Unless I am missing something, this would still not negate procedures for takeoff/approach/pattern entry radio calls and procedures for an uncontrolled airport. No clearances can be given by a computer but it would give a pilot more real time information but as I said, would still require the radio calls as needed for other area aircraft.
Right on KBKW Mgr Tom Cochran to continue to improve this AP! Tom knows what an asset (and a Gem) Raleigh County Memorial is to Beckley. Been in an out of BKW many, many times even got stuck there for a day and had it not been for Tom’s staff that day would have been recorded as a sour memory (just don’t let them take ya down Airport Road to Tudor’s Biscuit World). BKW pattern as indicated is well below 5,000 and any advisories for the area would be a definite safety enhancement.
sparkie624 1
Interesting system... Going to have to do more research on it.. Intrigues me. Will have to see how it goes.


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