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Boeing 787 suppliers..

The above nearly speaks for itself. Many U.S. imports are indeed inputs used to make manufactured goods in the U.S. And, of course, each of these parts is itself the result of creative minds and parts and raw materials from all around the world. As Cato’s Dan Ikenson would say, Boeing jetliners are “Made on Earth.” ( 기타...

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canuck44 1
Looks like a lot of stuff here could be moved back to North America now that Japan is moving to AirBus. There are lots of closed facilities here that can ramp up to manufacture the wings, etc. Costs will ultimately be saved by not having to transport those components to Washington or South Carolina.
Absolutely right john, the irony is Boeing had to buy some of these companies then staff them with engineers from Everett, because they had problems building the component or it just wouldn't fit when it get to the line in Everett.just imagine what if this plane was really Manufactured in the USA.


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