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Red Lake plane crash survivor called to report accident

Five people are dead after a Bearskin Airlines plane crashed on approach to the Red Lake airport in northwestern Ontario and burst into flames. Two people survived the crash of the twin-engine turboprop about 500 kilometres northwest of Thunder Bay, just after 7:30 p.m. local time Sunday, Ontario Provincial Police said. The two pilots were among those killed, said Sgt. Rob McDonough at the provincial police communications centre in Thunder Bay. The survivors were identified as a 29-year-old man… ( 기타...

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dodger4 2
Quite true. You've go to have your shit together at a time like that. Most people are in a state of shock, and completely immobile. Kudos to that guy!
Plenty, methinks.
Quackers 1
Ballsy, gutsy and amazing work. News reports up here say the guy pulled another survivor from the wreck before it went up in flames. How many people in that situation would actually go back into the plane that just crashed?


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