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Airlines sound alarm on possible security fee hike

Congress isn't expected to raise taxes as part of any 2014 budget deal, but it might hike some "user fees" the federal government charges businesses and individuals. A likely possibility: An increase in a passenger security fee that industry lobbyists warn could add to the price of plane tickets. ( 기타...

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preacher1 2
Does this mean if they don't pass it, that we'll see less TSA?
Nice thought, but I bet not. Lol
preacher1 1
LOL. On another subject, I am thinking about commandeering a plane tomorrow and going to Florida myself to get away from this potential bad weather coming in this weekend. Do you recommend anyplace in particular. LOL
I'm a big fan of Destin. It's close (in the panhandle), has the best beach in Fl, golf, great restaurants, Eglin AB (neat planes overhead), and they overbuilt condos bad so you can rent one this time of year for the price of a motel. I stay at Ariel Dunes II a lot. Great southwest view and only a shade over a hundred a nite. A good tourist trap without the Naples prices. Not as warm though. If you want peaceful, try Lovers Key (near Ft Myers.
preacher1 1
10-4, I got a friend in Destin, I think, that I hadn't never net. If we get serious about going down, I may drift down that way, idk yet.
I am a Gulf side fan. Atlantic side faces wrong direction for me. Lol
preacher1 1
I like the Gulf. Haven't been down there in several years. We took a driving vaction down that way a few years ago, over thru the Smokies and then dropped all the way down and drove along the coast, spending the night at Gulf Shores. Come to think of it, my sister is living just back from Gulf Shores at Lily. That would be a good excuse to go see her. LOL

This month is dead from Panama City to Gulf Shores till a couple days before Christmas. Takes me less than 2.5 to fly to Destin. I got it on my mind too.
preacher1 1
I'll let you know if we go down
Art Turner 1
Please keep us in your thoughts up here in MT Preacher, I am the lucky one to head over to KISN on Thur's.


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