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Airbus reveals new A321neo layout with (no surprise!) more seats

Airbus has revealed a new cabin layout for the A321neo ahead of the first flight for the A320neo in September this year. ( 기타...

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I love the comment in the article "It's not just about putting more sardines in the can". No, that's EXACTLY what it's about. You simply cannot maintain such a high level of contempt for your clients for long without them abandoning you.
LGM118 1
You know, the great irony in all of this is that the 757 could seat 240 people (technically 239) in a one class configuration. It's taken 32 years, but Airbus has finally made a plane that almost competes with the 757, and only 10 years after Boeing ended production on those!

In all seriousness, this seems like a gimmick on Airbus' part - 32 inch seat pitch is the standard for the US market, and even with thinner seats you're only getting to the equivalent of 30 or so inch seat pitch. Seems to me like Airbus is wasting time on a redesign that few of its customers want and none asked for.


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