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Video: Crew saves bird from high wire death

Hats off to this helicopter crew for not letting the bird die on the wire. ( 기타...

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Bravo! - In the terrible world we now live in, this helps to restore our faith in humanity!
Compassion for our furry and feathered friends!!!
I can see more than one side to this story.... Those guys in and on the helicopter risked a lot to save the bird... On the other hand.... Another Bird is available to hit another plane.

The one guy sitting out on the grid rescuing the bird, other than a tether holding him on he was just sitting there... To almost what I would consider over confidence.... There was no seat belt that I could see.
He's wearing a harness that's connected with a tether. You can see it clipped to the D ring on the back of the harness as he leans forward. If you follow it back you'll see where it's anchored outside the door of the helicopter.
I noted that.... If you note, I did say other than the Tether holding him on... If he falls, that is going to throw the copters W&B off. Will still be within, but the pilot will have to quickly make changes... Still would not be a fun drop by any means...
Ah, okay. This is typical of how these crews work on high tension lines though, and those pilots are probably some of the best rotary wing pilots in the world.
I am sure... LOL, I used to have to work high up on the top of tails of aircraft before I got a desk job.... Even with the Harness and Tether, I still was nervous and cautions... That guy was sitting out there like he was in a lawn chair by the pool...


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