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New York's JFK Airport to Begin Ebola Screening Program

Stepped up efforts by the U.S. to halt the spread of the Ebola virus will start at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport on Saturday, where teams armed with thermal guns and questionnaires will screen travelers from West African countries hit hardest by the outbreak. ( 기타...

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canuck44 3
All show, no go.

If there was any serious effort to "screen", it would be done at connecting points as there are no direct flights from these countries. At the moment Air France and BA have ceased to fly out of the region, leaving only Brussels Air.
wx1996 2
In Seoul it appears that every arriving international passenger is screened for body temperature. It is done without most passengers even noticing. They use infrared cameras as you walk through open check points and a computer program that high lights passengers, faces in particular, that have higher than average temperature. If the system highlights a passenger, then a control point office pulls them aside for a more accurate and detailed screening. No need to trust a passenger to accurately tell entry officials where they have traveled or ask if they are not feeling well.
Screening seems on par with TSA screening, pretty much useless. If passport shows they have been to Liberia , etc in past 21 days they get quarantined if a US citizen or denied admission if a foreign national (the airline that brought them in must take them back).
I arrived at Dulles October 9th on SA 207 from Dakar, Senegal in West Africa and there was no evidence of any screening at all. Johannesburg OR Tambo has had routine infrared fever screening for years now and since the Ebola epidemic has also required incoming passengers to complete a health form.
No wonder there are now some Ebola cases in the USA but none in South Africa.
pettech 0
"Thermal guns and questionnaires"
Of course. Shoot first, ask questions later...


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