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Prosecutors Seek Detention Of Korean Air Executive

South Korean prosecutors have requested a detention warrant for a former Korean Air executive who delayed a flight because she was unhappy about how she was served nuts in first class. The prosecutors have been investigating the former executive, Heather Cho Hyun-ah, who is the daughter of the airline's chairman, on charges of violating aviation law and another airline official for abetting perjury. ( 기타...

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I guess they have to have their 15 minutes of fame, but I got a problem with investigating her in South Korea for something that was done in New York City, USA, International or not, that is a local issue, at most Federal as in USA, but certainly not South Korea.
ya , i'm sure she's sweating it in her satin sheets tonight , billion dollar father and all , how far do you think this is going to go ? really ?
It isn't Heather Cho who is being sought, but another airline executive who ordered staff to destroy evidence in the case.
Where did you find that at. It's not in the story and there has been no mention of it anywhere since this drama began. While she may have been on a power trip and a little ham handed about it by our standards, as head of in flight services, she was within her rights.
The story about the arrest warrant was on CNN yesterday. Cho was only in charge of in-flight services and had no authority to order the plane back to the gate or kick a member of the crew off the plane.
Here is the story on CNN, it has been updated since I saw it yesterday and now includes information about an arrest warrant for Cho as well:
I still think they are just trying to get there 15 minutes of fame, as that happened in NYC and not Seoul.
Here's a link to a story about the coverup:

It's not clear to me whether the detention order if for Cho or not. If it is, it may be for her as a witness to the coverup
As soon as the aircraft pushed back from the gate, the aircraft became sovereign territory of the ROK. as a result, even though the tires were on the tarmac of the United States of America, within the aircraft. the jurisdiction was that of Korea.

It is a classic case of XXXgate :)
I could be wrong but I thought when it became airborne. Until then, it was still on U.S. Soil
Possibly related to Kim Jong-un ????


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