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FAA reports bomb threat at Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson

“Credible” bomb threats were made Saturday against two flights bound for Atlanta, an airport spokesman said. Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport spokesman Reese McCrainie told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution at 3 p.m. that both flights — Delta 1156 and Southwest 2492 — had landed and were sitting on a taxiway waiting to be swept by the Atlanta police Bomb Squad. ( 기타...

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Job well done by all
kev wu 1
Well, that was one stupid person who deserves inprisonment. He had the nerve to give the reason why he did it. Apparently it was for the "lulz" as quoted from a tweet. So basically he turned around 2 aircraft under heavy armored escort and delayed quite a few unhappy passengers just for the "lulz". Thats just sick.
From what they've been saying on the news this week, Twitter is increasingly being used to make threats like these towards airlines and public places. More often than not, it is being done by some kid who hacked into someone else's account, thinking it's a harmless prank.

I do kind of wonder why fighter planes were sent to escort the aircraft, though, other than it makes for great news footage.


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