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WestJet to Launch Boeing 767 Toronto – Calgary Service from Aug 2015

WestJet to begin using it’s “new” Boeing 767-300 in early August on the Calgary-Toronto-Calgary route. A second 767 is set to join the fleet later in the fall and both aircraft will be used extensively next winter schedule on routes to/from Hawaii and Vancouver/Calgary. ( 기타...

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Too bad it's flying out of Pearson...what a congested nightmare.
ex QANTAS aircraft.
Makes sense to me
Bet they picked these up for a song
Maybe 787 in not to distant future????
The plane is going on 24 years old, surprises me as they get new 737's usually!
If they ordered new 787's, they would be waiting you dont just dive into new territories with expensive Jon pointed out, these were probably picked up for a song and being ex Qantas, be in great shape.
This might be a test to see if wide bodies a good fit for them.
They were just retired by qantas so they should be in decent condition.


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