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Bob Carlton's Carousel Hangar

It's no fun when you need the airplane that's in the back of the hangar, so noted sailplane pilot Bob Carlton devised a unique solution to this common problem. ( 기타...

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Necessity is the mother of invention. Sure, they could most likely get more planes in said hanger, but one would have to remove all the planes to get to the one in the back. Great idea.
Back in the early 1970's, The Nez Perce County Sheriff's Air Posse, constructed a hangar that houses six (6) single engine aircraft. That hangar was designed on a napkin by members enjoying a beer. The hangar is still functional and six aircraft occupy the six "spokes" including the Air Posse's C-172 XPii. Most of the materials were donated, including the lumber from a decommissioned grainery. The major rail was supplied and bent to the minimum diameter available by the Camas Prairie Rail Road. A meeting room is located in the center of the turntable above all the aircraft. The exterior can be viewed using Google Earth. Enter Lewiston, ID Airport and view in the North between O'Connor Rd and 4th St. No street view is available.
There are two hangars like this at Valenciennes Airport in France, check out 50°19'32.0"N 3°27'40.0"E for an aerial view.


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