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Delta Flight 1457

I'm assuming this is the flight that had the blown tire. I don't remember tracking another flight that was circling in order to burn fuel. Is this the preferred altitude and speed? In particular, I'm surprised about the speed in the lower 100's, unless it's a tracking glitch. ( 기타...

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Just read it blew a tire on take off
cbw 0
My question. Why do they appear to go on to Portland and then change their mind and head back? The speed issues are from when the aircraft is turning, which may be able to be verified in the discussion forums.
They had actually reached their cruising altitude of 34,000 feet before they realized they had a blown tire and headed back. So, the speed issue is due to the aircraft circling, while flightaware is calculating it as a straight line (i.e. point-to-point)?

"Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said that Delta flight 1457 left Atlanta shortly before noon Thursday headed to Portland but turned around once pilots realized a tire had blown on the Boeing 737."


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