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United apologizes to couple who found full barf bag in seat pocket

A California couple returning home from an anniversary trip to Hawaii found an unwelcome surprise as they took their seats on a recent United Airlines flight. ( 기타...

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There is no excuse for this... Every Flight the seat back pockets are to be checked... Some one needs to be fired over this one.
Come on, United. Disappointed.
It just really amazes me how some folks act about things. They may be gross, such as this, or somebody has a bad day and goes off on a power trip and against company policy or common decency. A CEO, or middle manager for that matter, may have the right way to do things, out there and by and large it gets done that way. Now, I realize that if you are at the top, you get the crap or glory, whichever the case may be, but very few of the managers are party to some of the crap and situations that an individual employee may bring. When you have multi thousand employees you can't possibly meet them all or control them. All you can do is damage control and go on.
I know you're trying to say something here preacher1, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what it is. I usually enjoy your comments and insights, so if you could try saying that again a different way I'd appreciate it.
Bottom line is that it is a bodily fluid that is potentially infectious. It spilled on them & the seat. (on top of the fact that it must have been extremely unpleasant to spend the whole flight smelling it, and that's reason enough for them to be upset.) But it is a health issue & a good way to catch some nasty infectious diseases.
could have been worse - a deuce in the bag instead
oowmmr 0
That is a knarly bio hazard. Luckily it wasn't me. I'd of stripped outta the clothes an gotten in trouble. Used the little bathroom area to clean off and possibly up chucked myself.
Maybe they were just looking for free tickets to go back to Hawaii on their anniversary!


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