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This Airline Is Facing Major Backlash After Passenger Leaks Video Of What Happened On His Flight

Don't exactly know when or where this was but woman was thrown off plane. ( 기타...

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I agree. Some pax are just too amped up to listen to flight crews and some flight crews are just trying to get the job done and on time. Everyone seems to be really on edge these days. Makes me want to go back to the 80's, when the back of my L1011 was blue with smoke and the drinks were free......Well, maybe not.
I'd just like to be back in the L1011 period!
linbb 2
Ok so the video is entirely one sided along with the ladys comments. I find this a very poor statement to what happened. It is nothing more than at this point trying to point a finger without evidence towards one person and get him fired. While it could be true here is another case of one sided media justice at its worst. Let it play out privately before you blame the airline then post.
Notice in the tail end of the story, AAL says it has complaint and video so we'll let them decide. Personally, it seems like it is one sided. A couple of folks were having a bad day and they clashed.


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