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JANET, America’s Most Secret Airline, Is Hiring

Janet airline is the name of a small fleet of passenger aircraft that serve the famous Area 51, the U.S. Air Force top-secret base in the Nevada desert, along with some key military airbases used for research and development, including the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale CA and Tonopah Test Range, Nevada. JANET, that unofficially stands for “Just Another Non Existent Terminal”, is a shuttle service operated by AECOM, a private defense contractor, from a… ( 기타...

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jbermo 1
One of the few pt 121 jobs that your home every night. . . no overnite layovers.
jbermo 1
That is if you live in LAS
One of my favorite spots to fly..... Microsoft FSX Learjet and the "unmarked" airliner that is.. :) "Yes, I am terminally bored".
linbb 2
Really? Well known in the aviation circles for years what it did what it flew and where to along with who was in it.Well at least what they were doing out in area 51. Much like Air America during the middle east thing.

[This poster has been suspended.]

dee9bee 1
Also back in the day, it took a year to obtain the security clearances to enter training. Don't know about now and it may be less for an ex-military guy/gal.
My guess, JANET = Joint Army Navy Employee Transport. Maybe the A= Airforce, but the like to use AF.
I could have sworn that EG&G was the operator behind the JANET flights, not AECOM. At least it was when I was working for the DoD in the early 2000s.
URS bought the defense and services sector of EG&G in 2002. AECOM bought URS last year. The Firesign Theatre predicted this sort of thing back in about 1970.


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