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KLM plane makes dramatic landing as it battles strong winds (video)

If you are even the slightest bit scared of flying in extreme weather, we suggest you look away now. Video has emerged of the moment a KLM passenger plane fought the strong winds of Storm Desmond as it came in to land at Manchester Airport. The clip shows the Boeing 737 approaching the runway, before it starts lurching sideways. ( 기타...

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mike SUT 10
Don't bother watching.....looks like a normal landing ....reporter should get a different job. Move along..nothing to see here
Agreed. If this can make news I can guarantee you some of my landings would stop the show! LOL
Did not see anything there worth looking at... He never came close to scraping a wing tip or anything.
Pileits 2
LQQks normal to me. Sensationalist headlines. Yellow journalism. Just a story used to fill space rather then report real news.
come on already- gusty winds, fully anticipated and corrected for by a competent captain, with a little extra side to side movement , that seems to cause literary non-pilots to get all excited for no damn good reason. Never in doubt was the outcome of this carefully executed choppy weather landing. The breath.less writers now become the brainless writers.
this is not extreme weather and the plane did not lurch, it compensated ,. This is a rather ordinary chop weather flair and landing, nothing more. Nice job KLM...If you get disgusted by sensationalism from ignorant scribes, then read the description.
Nothing dramatic at all here. Headlines exaggerated by aviation ignorance.
Oh please...
Why in the world would someone post this.What a waste of time.This is nothing more than a normal landing.
I land like that every time!! Well almost!


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