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F-22 Engine Startup [Video]

Night time flying operations from Red Flag 16-1 at Nellis AFB, NV. F-22 Raptors from Tyndall AFB are launched simultaneously with other fighter jets, bombers and support aircraft from squadrons around the world. ( 기타...

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Nice Video, Thanks for sharing... Good to see all those jets... Glad they are on our side :)
jbqwik 5
always enjoy these type of videos, my own version of "action"...
A few years ago I was able to tour Tyndall. A friend of mine is an MP there. We weren't allowed within 50 yds of the Raptors and didn't get to see any flight activity, but it was still an awesome experience.
EMB120? can't tell what this is?
Reminds me of the B-57's Canberra while stationed in JAPAN. RED ALERTS very often. COLD WAR and beginning stages of VIETNAM. the year was 1959. Shows you how "young" I am. This video about the RAPTORS will make your hair stand up. F-22 is a weapon that the enemy will fear. Fantastic Aircraft.


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