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Blizzard causes 330-plus flight cancellations at DIA; crews unable to fuel aircraft

The blizzard hitting the Denver metro area Wednesday morning caused power outages and more than 330 flight cancellations at Denver International Airport. As of 7:50 a.m., the Federal Aviation Administration had instituted a "ground stop" for Denver, requiring that any arriving flights be held at their origin airport, said Heath Montgomery, a DIA spokesman. ( 기타...

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Really 7.6" snow and a power outage? This almost never happens in SLC or MSP because they have backup gensets.
You know what, this almost never happened at the old airport nestled up by the mountains and city. And it was easier to miss the mountains than the front range thunderstorms "out on the plains". I might add that "almost never" is an inexact number and if you looked up major airport closures (temporary) about 100% of the international, part 121, you get it, airports "almost never" close. Just sayin.
They moved it out of mountain snow shadow onto the plains. Not the wisest idea.
The airport has been closed less than .0003% of the time in the last 10 years. How much should be spent to eliminate this smaller than 3 one thousandths of one percent closure rate?
When you've just departed a mountain town that was open (and didn't close) with twice as much snow as DEN got and they tell you DEN is closed, you start scratching your head.
Rose tinted glasses on Stapleton if you ask me, that place was bursting at the seams and could no longer support the amount of traffic it had then, and would never come close to supporting the current load, it would have become the LGA of the west if you ask me.
Lost those several decades and more than a few thousand hours ago and I certainly agree with your points. However, the "Little House On the Prairie" and "Federico's (Pena) Boulevard didn't arrive without a "few" warts. Flew out of both during the transition. LGA of the west is well put and sadly spot on for how low can they go, but they are spending some significant money on it , so there's hope.


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