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Embraer: Bombardier’s Delta CSeries Order Enabled By Unfair Subsidies

Embraer Commercial Aviation president and CEO Paulo Cesar Silva has alleged that Bombardier won an order from Delta Air Lines for the CSeries based on improper government subsidies. ( 기타...

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And of course Embraer never received any government help! (Gee, where's the sarcasm font when you need it?)
canuck44 9
How does selling 49% of your product interest constitute a subsidy? It is a sale with loss of stock. The Canadian Feds have not contributed at this point and that is likely to be a loan...again not a subsidy.

Sour grapes loss to a superior product.
Yeah gotta call BS on that, Embraer.
Sour grapes. No one wants Embraer anything
Anytime you take Government money, it is a subsidy. Successful companies raise needed capital in the free market. If Bombardier had such a superior product; a) customers would have lined up to purchase it, and b) they could have secured funding from the free market.

If a company cannot stand on it's own two feet, it should be allowed to fail.
canuck44 3
You also need to note that Bomabardier products are not eligible for the US taxpayer subsidized loans....nor is Delta. Only Boeing qualifies and a preponderance of the entire amount is used to finance Boeing products.
The Canadian government didn't give Bombardier a bailout, they bought a stake in the company. The problem with the aviation sector is that every major plane maker in the world receives subsidies from their home countries. Boeing got about 15 billion dollars in subsidies last year. Embraer undoubtedly gets the same in tax breaks from Brasil. So as much as your free market idealism makes sense, it's simply an impossible standard given the current global economics in aviation.


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