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Cathay Interested in Bigger Airbus A350 for Miami Non-Stop

Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. said it’s talking with Airbus Group SE about the planemaker’s proposal for a bigger version of the newest A350 wide-body, a model which needs to attract a strong set of initial customers to get the go ahead. ( 기타...

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Is there a law against putting slot machines and other gambling options on airliners? Even hundreds of miles out over open oceans? Airlines could make some money here.
If allowed by law, software versions of gambling games wouldn't have the weight and space penalty of the hardware games. A web site operated by the airline, or a captive system, running on the entertainment system would keep the profits in the airline's control.
hook up your GPS. when you fly into nevada airspace all the gambling apps come on. you get a two minute warning on the other side. take you idea to adelson or wynn. they would be on it like white on rice.
you're never going to lose betting on people's vices. that's a no-brainer business model. jim murray needs to patent this idea or something before someone at the airlines pitcnes it as his original idea.


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