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Qantas Considering Ultra-Long Range Airbus A350-900ULR

Qantas is weighing up the ultra-long range Airbus A350 for its post-2020 fleet as the airline begins to redraw its network map around non-stop flights of 16+ hours. ( 기타...

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I am not sure why Joyce thinks super long flights are desirable. While I found the LAX-SIN flights in all business class wonderful, a LHR to SYD was a slog on direct flights where few flew all segments at the same time. A little stay on the way for very long distances is better for arriving fresh and ready to work or play.
Long flight's don't work for me. If the flight is more than 12 hours and I am not in first class, then I want out after 12 hours. Even , the 12 hours would be risky for me, as I have leg problems. So, Quants and Airbus can forget about me flying with them. The reality is, that I will be watching travel video's of Australia, and other parts of the South Pacific. When supersonic commercial aircraft return to the skies, then I may be enticed to fly to this zone of the world. Until then...
I flew Singapore airline from EWR To SIN. If I ever do that again (doubtful) I will need serious drugs when I'm aboard.


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