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Military appears to be testing system to disrupt GPS over wide area. Large spread GPS outage in CA and southwest

A NOTAM is warning operators of “all aircraft relying on GPS” of widespread GPS outages starting Tuesday throughout the Southwest and especially southern California. The tests will potentially knock out all GPS-reliant services including WAAS, GBAS and, ADS-B. Specifically called out is potential impact to EMBRAER PHENOM 300 a/c. ( 기타...

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I have been urging my friends not to discard their paper street directories for more than a decade. I do not have a Satnav in my vehicle and do not ever want one...

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btweston 1
Now that's just silly.

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One person's prudence is another person's paranoia.
And yes, I still have a Silva compass in the car.

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The test for paranoia is a reasonableness test. Would you consider it paranoid to be concerned about a 'test' that disabled your GPS at FL120 in IFR near the Sierra Nevada mountains?

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Do you guys think Peter behaves in this condescending, insufferable manner in real life as well, or only on the internet?
Depends on how much he likes pain. There are many who would take extreme exception to his tone and manner.

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You also are confused about my Tenerife comment which was not about GPS but in response to your assertion and assurance that 'flyers' are pefectly safe.
BTW, what is your opinion on what constitutes "a legit connection to aviation"?

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Feel better now that you got that out?

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I mistyped the flight level, the main issues with FL120 being pressure and a bit of occasional space debris.

That 'flyers' are 'perfectly safe': I must take that assertion with a grain of salt, with the loss of a casual acquaintance in the Tenerife incident. 583 'flyers' were not 'perfectly safe'.
I was responding to your assertion of 'paranoia'. You mention that you carry a Garmin 500, and an Ipad. I would include those in the 'prudent' category.

Thank you for your brief overview tutorial on aeronautical charts. The area covered by the area I mentioned is the San Francisco chart. I am sure it will be of benefit to at least three 'flyers'.
I have a friend, a mathematician and fellow ham, specializing in mapping and GPS systems, who works for DoD and who has been doing work "out west" for the past couple of years that he won't discuss at all. Looks like his stuff has gotten to the testing stage.
ADXbear 4
The government Owneth, the government taketh away..... we are so dependent on someone or something else, not a good thing.

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Are we not supposed to bring up that GPS is the cornerstone of the NextGen ATC system yet the DOD messes with it at will?
Ignore the man behind the curtain. Nothing to be seen here, move along now.

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It is unfortunate that FA lack a sarcasm font.
Ignore the man behind the curtain is from the scene in Wizard of Oz where Toto pulls the curtain to reveal the wizard at the controls.
As for "Nothing to be seen here..." see:

These are common cultural concepts with which I would expect you to be familiar.

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Could they have not chosen a better area?

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bbabis 1
Expecting a little civil unrest out of the California primary?
Only for those needing to use GPS to find their polling station. My absentee ballot is unaffected.

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???? Did you read Bill Babis post? Just how many voters do you project flying into their polling place? Besides, the NOTAM
Guess that have something to do with North Koran I guess. Maybe North Koreas are using GPS guided warhead?

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North Korea's ballistic carrier pigeon program caused it.

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Chris B 4
They clearly haven't thought this through.
For some reason, a 1938 radio program with Orson Welles came to mind.


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