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A new type of aircraft carrier is gearing up to dominate the seas

Word has come back from the Rim of the Pacific Exercise, and it looks like this new breed of aircraft carrier could be the future of amphibious warfare ( 기타...

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Like we're runnin low.
That title is very deceptive. This isn't a carrier as such and isn't targeted on the sea. This is a new generation of amphibious assault ship, what it threatens is the land, not the sea. It carries aircraft, mostly helicopters, but it doesn't really threaten the role of a carrier task group with the AEW and air superiority assets that brings. This is a troop carrier, full of marines, a nice target. It will be an interesting target, but not an impossible one. Let's hope we never need to find out.

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There were amphibious assault ships before, this is just the latest generation. The title of this article is simply deceptive, or disingenuous.

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