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Russian Su-33 crashed in the Mediterranean while attempting to land on Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

Less than three weeks after losing a MiG-29, it looks like the Russian Navy has lost another aircraft during Admiral Kuznetsov operations: a Su-33 Flanker. ( 기타...

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If true, that is the second aircraft lost to a snapped arresting wire.

The squawk article only says it missed the wire. This source indicates the arresting wire failed and it rolled off the deck. Pilot ejected safely and was recovered.
From the article linked in the squawk:

>> *Update: the Russian MoD has confirmed the incident. According to an official release the arresting wire snapped and failed to stop the aircraft.

That's the official word and why I said "if true".

The MiG-29K that was lost ran out of fuel while deck crews were trying to fix a snapped arresting wire. Yes, the engines on the MiG died because of fuel starvation, but that wouldn't have happened if the plane had been able to land.


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