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"Near Miss" Between Aircraft And Car At RAF Base

A car that jumped a red light near RAF Waddington was almost hit by an aircraft approaching the runway. It's reported that the King Air plane missed the car by "just a few feet" on the A15 in Lincoln. ( 기타...

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linbb 2
Well that makes a lot of sense, need full width crossing gates that will not allow passage in any way. At least with a railroad crossing the driver and passengers loose not the train or its crew. Here the AC landing could loose with many others inside the AC also.
As the A15 passes the end of the runway, surely ALL aircraft miss cars by "just a few feet". Yes, the driver should obey a red light but the pilot would have more to worry about, had he been that low. There are numerous videos on YT etc showing the approach to RAF Waddington over the A15. Is this really a "Near Miss" story or just hyped-up by the media in a tabloid-newspaper style ?


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