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Search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 called off after nearly 3 years

This is the only source so far this site has from my experience has only told true facts. ( 기타...

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If by some happenstance MH370 is located and the black boxes were likewise found and retrieved, would there still be any usable data on them that could be extracted given that they have been submerged for 3 years at an apparent extreme depth?
According to the type of recorders in the initial report that's in the category of they should be if protected enough.
After all this have to let go. And God Speed for the souls lost.
Such a large airliner with so much floatable debris, it's an amazing disappearance. And while she's most likely at four miles down, eventually more will turn up on beaches, leading to a crashsite location. We all want answers now. Nature takes its own time.
Countries that use the latest technology proudly announces their inventions, but are unable to answer the public of what really happened to MH370. After 4 months from that tragedy we had MH17 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur being shot down. Fingers were pointed left and right but were the real culprits brought forward? NO. The media were played by a bunch of people OR they did a good job in diverting one's focus.
Shame no real progress made after almost three years. Some morsels of debris picked up along the way but no positive pinpointing accuracy to the location of the main fuselage. As others have commented, I fell frustrated how technology can pinpoint a "boulder' hurtling through space many billions of miles / light years away but unable to locate a chunk of metal on the sea floor?
Space photos are taken past the atmosphere (Hubble). Not sure of your sea experience but its hard to sea anything even large a whale beyond about the 20 meters deep. 4000 - 6000 meters ho lee....... The deep sea technology in the search area did find old ship wreckage, barrels and shipping containers but adversely technology could be disabled.
they'll never find it, will they?
The Southern Indian Ocean has no military interests or visual acuity satellites just weather and communication (Inmarsat). The communications satellite was launched 12 years ago there for GPS and voice communication. Without (ACARS/Radio/Transponders) the hourly ping is just basically says active/airborne. Problem is the with the spheroid earth rotating, aircraft moving from an unknown turning area point and altitude, the satellite (Although geostationary) “wobbles”, the aircraft avionics and satellite systems have their own inherent variations. Throw that altogether and what you get is wildly variating guesstimates of flight arc. The new refined data (search north) is basically the same just throw in a little refined drift analysis. Searching north throws out fuel exhaustion figures therefore somebody (Not Australia) would have to take the gamble, spend a few million and continue crossing their fingers.
bbabis 1
Well, never is a long time so I guess you're right. Maybe future technology will create a way like a satellite based metal detector or something. Outside of that, dumb luck is the best hope. Maybe some country's submarine will stumble upon it.
bbabis 4
Well, they at least got some more ocean bottom mapped for google earth.
dave mcc -1
Bill Babies
Your comment is shameful, flippant and uncaring.
Yours seems to me just an example of adult (I presume) internet bullying. Uncaring, shameful and priggish, the later quality a generally good predictor of one who doesn't really care about people, so much as wanting to appear to care.
dbkoob 2
also timeline
linbb 3
Also about time as they are no closer to finding it than they were to start with.
Its one of those thing that on here and other places needs to be put to rest.
Just proved how poor Inmarsat was
Works absolutely fine if systems are turned on and utilised.


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