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An Airplane in Front of the Moon

If you look closely at the Moon, you will see a large airplane in front of it. Well, not always. OK, hardly ever. But if you wait for days with your camera attached to a Moon tracker in a place where airplanes are known to pass, you might catch a good photograph of it. Well, if you're lucky. OK, extremely lucky. The above image was taken two weeks ago over South East Queensland, Australia using an exposure time of 1/250th of a second and, in the words of the photographer, "a nerve of… ( 기타...

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As an aviation historian and an amateur astronomer, this picture combines two of my great passions in life! A really great shot, I saw it earlier today and am glad someone posted it for all too see. Thanks.
Toby Sharp 0
kiffy 0
I love photographing moon shots!!


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