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American Airlines is cutting more legroom in economy class

American Airlines (AAL) is planning to decrease the front-to-back space between some of its economy class seats by another two inches. The airline says it plans to add more seats on its coming Boeing (BA) 737 Max jetliners. To do that, it will shrink the distance between seats, also known as pitch, from 31 inches to 29 inches on three rows of the airplane, and down to 30-inches in the rest of its main economy cabin. ( 기타...

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Unless passengers get smaller, I see a lot of frustration,aggrevation and back lash.
Actually, based on my observations, passengers are getting larger. Much larger! I sticking with SWA or the car.
How about and emergency evacuation test with real people and FAA observers/monitors?
I do not think I could escape in time.
LOL , the worst flight I ever had was on American Hawaii to Dallas.....worst experience ever with old junky equipment and the most pathetic flight attendants ever. The woman sitting in front of me reclined the seat...I could not even open a magazine. WORST ever !


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