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Emirates, Etihad introduce A380s on flights to France

UAE airlines Emirates and Etihad introduced the Airbus A380 jet on routes to France on Saturday. Emirates operated its inaugural A380 service to Nice Cote d’Azur International Airport on Saturday, replacing the existing Boeing 777-300ER used on the route. The double-decked A380 will “serve the strong customer demand” on the route, the airline said. ( 기타...

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Well, it is definitely a pity about the Etihad limmo being stopped, because this was a major feature and attraction to both Emirates and Etihad. I have now changed my allegiance totally to Emirates, cancelled the Etihad credit cards, and all that remain is to use the remaining miles I have with them for one last trip in First. Mr Baumgartner, I don't believe you will survive very long, but its a pity that you have taken a very good airline soooooo downmarket with your cheapo airline job history.
I sincerely hope that Emirates dont have any such plans!


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