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Breaking News Plummeting at 11 metres a second': Report reveals details of Air Asia Perth to Bali flight

An AirAsia Perth to Bali flight that suddenly lost cabin pressure and plummeted 20,000 feet - terrifying passengers - was dropping at a rate of 11 metres a second, a preliminary investigation by Australia's transport safety watchdog has found. Flight QZ535 departed Perth for the popular Indonesian tourist destination at 11.20am on October 15, but was forced to turn back 30 minutes after take-off with 146 passengers and six crew members on board. The aircraft plunged from 32,000 feet to… ( 기타...

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A descent rate of 11 M/P/S hardly represents a "plunge". More like 2,165 ft./min., a relatively casual rate for an emer. descent. Guess it worked out.
Yeah, plummeting is like it used to be.
Well you need to have a headline to "Grab" the reader.....


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