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Delta flight returns to Detroit because of bird in cockpit

It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's a bird on a plane. A Delta Air Lines flight captain decided to turn his plane around and return to Detroit after a bird was discovered inside the flight deck. The airline says in a statement that shortly after takeoff Saturday, the pilots of Flight 1943 from Detroit to Atlanta saw a small bird in the flight deck. The unexpected passenger had entered the aircraft during boarding. The captain decided to turn the plane around to "avoid a… ( 기타...

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I remember on a CRJ one time (In Detroit no less) a bird got into the cockpit and delayed the plane for 4 hours... Mechanics chased that bird everywhere.... Behind the Instrument panel, into the Circuit breaker panels, down into the Avionics Compartment and more... Took them 4 hours to finally get the bird out of the a/c and everything put back into place (EFIS Screens, Circuit Breaker Panels, ETC) removed while chasing that bird... I still remember the log book sign off.... "BIRD BE GONE"
Once upon a time a flight crew saying they had caught a bird in the cockpit would have had an entirely different meaning
same thing recently happened to me in mexico. caught the bird between the glare shield and windshield and let it go.
That bird was not stupid..why expend your own energy to fly, when you can hitch a ride to warmer climate.
You know, the finger!
Love it Rapidwolve


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