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Airbus’ odd-looking BelugaXL aircraft is one step closer to its maiden flight

If you’ve ever seen one of Airbus’s “bloated” Beluga aircraft, you certainly won’t have forgotten about it. Named after the Arctic whale for its similar appearance, the huge and rather odd-looking airplane has been in service for the last 20 years, flying large aircraft components — think fuselage sections, wings, and tails — from European suppliers to Airbus’s assembly plants in Toulouse, France and Hamburg, Germany. ( 기타...

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Chris B 4
Can you imagine what a A380 version of this would look like?
Wow. That might transport parts for cruise ships.
EMK69 1
Looks similar to the old Guppy I watched out of Long Beach Calif years ago..
The Boeing Dreamlifter is the current Boeing variant of Airbus Beluga. It is much more powerful and better than the Beluga.


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